Can You Repair Double Glazing? | Double Glazing Repairs in Bristol

Windows should last for about 15-20 years. After this period of time, they will likely need replacing. But when should you be looking for double glazing repairs? When performing as they should, double glazing windows should keep heat in during winter and out in the summer. The first sign that your double glazing might need some attention could be poor temperature regulation. By ensuring that your glass is well-maintained, you could save money on your heating bills.

What is Double Glazing?

As the name suggests, double glazing describes a window with two panes of glass. The sheets of glass are positioned with a spacer bar in between. This creates an air gap that is then filled with insulating gas.

This construction serves to better insulate your home. It will retain the heat inside a room while stopping cold air from entering. In 2002, the building regulations changed to say that all windows placed from there on must be double glazed C rated. The only exceptions to this law apply to listed buildings and conservation areas.

Signs You Need Repairs

So we know now that double glazing has beneficial qualities. But when might you need double glazing repairs? There are a few scenarios where it would be wise to call a specialist. Keeping your windows well-maintained means a more efficient home and lower energy bills.


If your windows are starting to look a bit steamy, it may be time for a repair. This is more commonly seen in the winter months and indicates that the outside temperature is much colder than the inside. It usually suggests that your double glazing needs repair, so you may need to replace the glass. If the condensation sits in between the two panes of glass, it’s a sign of a blown window and definitely needs a replacement.

Difficulty Opening and Shutting

You might find that you need to force your windows open and shut. This indicates that the frame may have warped. This is normal over time, particularly as windows get older. This can sometimes be fixed with a minor adjustment, but more significant warping may require a full replacement. Call a specialist to inspect your windows if they’ve become difficult to open and close.
opening window

Rotten or Discoloured Frames

Weather exposure is sure to change the appearance of your windows over time. A simple uPVC cleaner can scrub up your frames nicely. If the windows are at a height, it’s a good idea to call a specialist so you don’t put yourself in danger. Wooden frames can need special attention, particularly if they start to rot. Ideally, your wooden window frames should be checked once a year to keep them in good condition. Once they’ve started to rot, they will probably need replacing.
rotten window frame

Call Southmead Glass & Glazing Now For Your Double Glazing Repairs in Bristol

For double glazing repairs in and around Bristol, call Southmead Glass & Glazing. We’re experts in all things glass and regularly carry out both single and double glazing repairs. In some cases we do need to replace the glass, but sometimes it’s as simple as a resealing job. We’ll give you expert advice and find the best solution for your double glazing. If your windows are cracked, misting, feeling stiff or just need a good clean, we can certainly help. Make the most of the energy efficiency that double glazing offers by getting your windows repaired by an expert.

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